Applied Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Zero to Elite
Timesaving and Use-Cases constitute the spirit of this course. That is why it is designed to be learned fast and practical.
We set our goal to make you feel confident when dealing with the command line of any Linux distribution in production environments so that you can put your skills to work in as little time as possible. How do we do that? During this course, you will see hundreds of Linux command-line tools and you will write hundreds of lines for Shell Programming or as some may be used to call it, Bash Programming, so by end of the course, you have built a relatively robust understanding of different aspects of Linux for real life and work projects.
Timesaving and Use-Cases constitute the spirit of this course. That is why it is designed to be learned fast and practical.
We set our goal to make you feel confident when dealing with the command line of any Linux distribution in production environments so that you can put your skills to work in as little time as possible. How do we do that? During this course, you will see hundreds of Linux command-line tools and you will write hundreds of lines for Shell Programming or as some may be used to call it, Bash Programming, so by end of the course, you have built a relatively robust understanding of different aspects of Linux for real life and work projects.
Topics & some of the shell tools we cover in this course:
- Kernel spaces
- Different Shells, ZSH, Bash, Oh My ZSH, Tmux, productivity plugins
- Package management: apt, apt-get, yum, zypper
- File Archiving: p7zip, xz-utils, gzip, gunzip, tar
- Command-line chaining: pipe, %token, AND_IF, OR_IF, DSEMI
- System and hardware: dmidecode, lsblk, inxi, ncal, time, uptime, date
- Managing disk and file permissions: dd, gzip, fdisk, swapoff/on, free, find, chmod, mount, runlevel, fsck, mkswap, resize2fs
- Services and performance management: ps, kill, killall, pkill, pstree, lsof, pgrep, top, htop
- Users and groups management: sudo, passwd, useradd, adduser, id, usermod, chage, getfacl, setfacl, who, last, lastb, utmpdump
- Networking: iproute2, ip, txqueuelen, mtu, netplan, route get, list, neighbor, traceroute, DNS, dig, host, OpenSSH, SSH Tunneling, Socks, SCP, RSync
- IPTables, Filter, NAT, Mangle, UFW, covering IPTables completely
- System Visibility using sysdig & csysdig: Kernel syscalls and event use-cases, Chisels and Text-GUI CSysDig
- Task Automation with corn jobs
- Shell Programming (Bash scripting) from bash basics to writing a few projects e.g. writing automated backup, a password manager, and so on
- Checking on Windows subsystem for Linux: WSL2 along with Windows Terminal profiles with Oh My ZSH, Nerd Font, colorls, backup WSL Linux machines, and much more
Who this course is for:
- Anyone who would like to learn modern Linux command line
- Network Specialists and IT Administrators
- Programmers, Developers and Data Scientists, whose work runs on Linux CMD
- IT Managers, interested in productivity of their team members
- Passionate geeks ;-) who want to have a lot of fun with the Linux command line